Gediminas - Ged-ih-min-ahs
Gedas - Ged-ahs
Elodie - El-oh-dee
Silas - Seye-lus
Oburleck - Oh-bur-leck
Beulah - Bee-ool-ah
Jesper - Jehs-per
Eyvindur - Ee-vin-door
Eyvi - Ee-vee
Beathan - Beth-ayn
Cooric - Coor-ick
Reza - Rez-ah
Ravid - Ra-veed
Dima - Dim-ah
Aluna - Ah-loon-ah
Twoshy - Too-shye
Comak - Coh-mack
Tokke - TOHk
Laridae - Lar-ih-day
Tate - Tay-te
Rohap - Roh-haap
Pundica - Puun-dih-cah
Duum - Doom
Eplaria - Eplar-ee-ah
Wedren - Wed-ren
Skuna - Skoon-ah
Vasniydor - Vas-neye-door
Oskela - Oh-skel-ah
Ustra - Oo-strah
Scuoso - Skoh-soh
Breora - Bree-ohr-ah
Leronia - Leh-rohn-ee-ah
Qosha - Koh-shaa
Eres - Air-es
Ruakh - Roo-ak
Cindix - Sin-diz
Ruemort - Roo-moort
Something missing you want to know the pronunciation for? Email us
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